Product Description
Barnacle Buster 1 Litre
Barnacle Buster is a safe, non-toxic, biodegradable marine growth remover that provides a fast, cost-effective alternative to mechanical cleaning of seawater cooled equipment. With minimal dismantling required, Barnacle Buster™ can be safely re-circulated through seawater cooling systems, dissolving barnacles, zebra mussels, calcium, rust, lime and all other mineral deposits. Most applications can be completed within four hours.
Buildup of marine growth is the number one reason why water cooled marine machinery malfunctions. These deposits reduce equipment efficiency and frequently lead to costly equipment downtime. A thin layer of growth (1/64") can result in a 15% decrease in efficiency. While conventional methods of cleaning (mechanical brushing or acids) do have some success, they are harmful to both the user and the environment, and can easily damage the equipment or vessel.
Barnacle Buster can be safely used on all types of seawater cooled systems commonly found on boats today. Most important, Barnacle Buster can be safely disposed of down the drain.
Also available in 5 and 20 litres.
** Barnacle Buster is no longer available in Australia, please see Crystilium Growth Remover - Crystillium Growth Remover - 1L