Fuel Doctor fuel conditioner designed for diesel, petrol and two-stroke fuel systems to remove gums, lacquer, and carbon buildup; scatter moisture, kill and take out microbes while boosting lubrication.
Fuel Doctor splits particles to a sub-micron size, allowing them to go through the fuel system to burn off without damaging fuel pumps, injectors, catalytic converters, or particulate filters.
Fuel Doctor will stabilise and expand fuel storage life for up to 24 months (petrol) and 5 years (diesel).
The by-products of Fuel Doctor’s formulation are increased thermal efficiency equating to a nominal increase in power, economy plus a decrease in particulate (unburnt fuel).
Fuel Doctor is a specially formulated additive for diesel, petrol and two-stroke fuel systems to ensure the smooth running of your engine and the removal of microbial particles and increased lubrication. Fuel Doctor breaks down contaminants allowing them to pass safely and harmlessly though the fuel system to combustion with no detrimental effects to your pumps, converters or filters.
Fuel Doctor will stabilise and extend your fuel storage life for up to 24month for petrol and 5year for diesel.
⚓ Does Fuel Doctor clean injectors?
Fuel Doctor works on a microscopic level by attaching to gums and varnish left behind by unburnt fuel and breaking these down to be removed through combustion without harming your fuel pumps, injectors, sensors or filters.
⚓ Do fuel cleaners actually work?
Yes, Fuel Doctor maintains, lubricates and protects your engine from unseen microbial contaminants. Ongoing use will ensure extended pump and injector life.
⚓ Do fuel additives work with diesel?
Yes, Fuel Doctor works with both petrol and diesel. Fuel Doctor will stabilize and extend fuel storage life for up to 24 months for petrol and 5 years for diesel.