Product Description
Anchor 1kg Blue
The holding power of any anchor is directly related to how deeply it sets and holds the sea bed. Most anchors on the market today are restricted by design to ploughing along near the surface of the sea bed and rarely, if ever disappear completely below the sea bed. Cooper Anchors very simple design with its weighted tip and straight streamline shank are designed to completely disappear below the sea bed and stay there even through wind and tide changes. The small area between the shank and the tip, (see diagram below) allow Cooper Anchors to change direction with less effort, especially during anchor retrieval. As the boat is pulled forward, over and above the anchor, the anchor rotates with the vertical pull and is easily retrieved.

Shackle or tie your rope or chain through hole B and use a cable tie through the main hole A.
If the anchor becomes stuck, as you pull up, the cable tie will break and the anchor will release backwards without damaging the reef or the anchor.
This method should only be used in reef.
*Hint; When using a cable tie, put it through the anchor twice before going around the rope or chain so you don’t leave it behind when it breaks.